martedì 26 agosto 2008


È tutto vero! Questa non è che una delle mail assurde o divertenti che arrivano nella mailbox mia e degli impiegati dell'Università.

The University Police Department will be conducting tactical training on Monday, August 25th at several locations on campus. We will be conducting Active Shooter Training in the 800 Building and Motor Vehicle Stop Training in Lot 23. This training will involve the use of simunitions weapons which sound like gunshots and discharge a low velocity paintball type projectile. This training will take place in the 800 Building between 8 AM and 12 noon. The training in Lot 23 will take place from 1:00 PM through 4PM. These areas will be closed off and we ask that everyone avoid these areas for safety reasons, and also so as not to interfere with the training curriculum. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the University Police at 732-571-3472. Thank you for your cooperation.

William McElrath

Chief of Police

1 commento:

matte ha detto...

Si vede che vogliono fare esercitazioni in ambienti metropolitani veri. Se poi per sbaglio ti notano, cambieranno istantaneamente le pistole ciappando quelle vero con le quali ti abbatteranno dopo una breve caccia all'italiano.