sabato 6 settembre 2008

Tropical Storm Hanna

Sono arrivate du' gocce d'acqua e un po' di ventarello... ben fatto, Captain Volpe!

The University Police have been monitoring Tropical Storm Hanna along with the NJ State Police Office of Emergency Management, the Monmouth County Office of Emergency Management and the Monmouth University Rapid Response Institute. At this time the storm is expected to move into the area on Friday evening and continuing into Saturday. Heavy rain and winds up to 40 to 60 MPH are expected.

In preparation for the storm, all members of the University are being requested to check the windows of their classrooms, offices and Residential Life Halls to make sure that their windows close and seal properly. If they are defective in any way, please submit a work order to get them fixed as soon as possible. Employees are also reminded to close all windows prior to leaving their buildings on Friday.

Any member of the campus community who might have a special need that would have to be accommodated if the electricity goes out, or there is minor flooding, should immediately contact the Police Department so that preparations can be made to assist. Please call 732-571-3472 to supply this information.

The Monmouth University CERT Team has been placed on standby. Any member of the CERT Team who is unable to respond to the University this weekend is requested to contact Captain Dean Volpe.

The University Police will keep the campus community updated as to the progress of the storm and we thank everyone for their cooperation.

William McElrath

Chief of Police

1 commento:

matte ha detto...

Certo che in amèria son dimorto tetesken, vivono in mezzo alle allerte e agli annunci di pericolo diramati dalla polizia nel campus, ma non ciavete veramente un cazzo da fare, eh Vincè? Meglio da noi, arriva il maremoto e nessuno t'ha detto niente, vuoi mettere la sorpresa........